Managing the VR experience in the college classroom

Managing the VR experience in the college classroom

It can get a little crazy in a classroom when learners put on their headsets for the first time!  They immediately see before them so many things to click on!!!  They also want to share their emotional response to what they are seeing, out loud for everyone else to wonder at!

As a teacher it is so much fun to watch learners when they start to use VR – and those very first few minutes are absolutely priceless – to me anyway!!!  It brings the same kind of thrilling emotion that you get when you experience one of those life changing “first” moments, like seeing your infant roll over for the first time, travel to a new country or experiencing a new culture, or graduating from college!  Sharing the immersive experience is quite possibly the most important and emotionally  rewarding experience I have had during my teaching career. 

I have taught so many new technologies in the classroom over the decades, and I like to think that through those experiences I have a good grasp on classroom management, and the challenges of introducing new things!  I share here my thoughts on how to manage the VR experience in the classroom.

Managing a classroom of people wearing virtual reality headsets can be a unique and challenging experience for both the teacher and the students. Here are some tips on how to effectively manage a classroom of people wearing virtual reality headsets:

  1. Establish clear rules and expectations: Make sure to set clear rules and expectations for behavior while wearing virtual reality headsets. This could include guidelines on movement, communication, and appropriate use of the technology.

  2. Provide clear instructions: Ensure that all students understand how to use the virtual reality headsets and any software or apps that are being used in the classroom. Provide clear instructions and demonstrations as needed.

  3. Monitor student behavior: Keep an eye on students’ behavior while they are using virtual reality headsets. Be aware of any signs of disorientation, discomfort, or inappropriate behavior, and intervene if necessary.

  4. Use collaborative activities: Consider using collaborative activities that require students to work together in virtual reality. This can help build teamwork and communication skills and can also be a fun way to learn.

  5. Use virtual reality to enhance learning: Use virtual reality as a tool to enhance learning, not just as a novelty. Incorporate virtual reality experiences that align with your curriculum and learning objectives.

  6. Consider accessibility: Keep in mind that some students may have difficulty using virtual reality headsets, such as those with certain disabilities or medical conditions. Consider alternative activities or accommodations for these students.

Overall, managing a classroom of people wearing virtual reality headsets requires careful planning, clear communication, and constant monitoring. With the right strategies in place, virtual reality can be an effective tool for enhancing learning and engagement in the classroom, not to mention a whole bunch of fun!!!!

Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Reality in Education

Artificial Intelligence has revolutionized the virtual reality experience by bringing a whole new level of realism and interactivity to it. AI-driven applications can now track user movements, detect facial expressions, and understand voice commands, allowing users to feel as if they are immersed in a virtual environment with realistic interactions. In addition, AI is being used for natural language processing which helps create immersive conversations with digital characters and objects in VR. This technology is making virtual reality more engaging than ever before, and with these advances, it means that teachers will be able to prepare our students for the future workforce where they can be employed by any industry and use any technology.

The project I am working on is training teachers how to use VR to support their curriculum, and I have been fortunate enough to be able to work with them. I am very excited for students to have the opportunity to utilize immersive technologies in their learning because they are more engaging than traditional classroom learning.  I am so excited for the students who will have the privilege of using immersive technologies in their learning. I’ve seen firsthand how these technologies can transform and enhance the learning experience of adults, and I am confident that students will also find themselves more engaged and motivated thanks to their use. A quick search for scientific research proves my point – the research is showing that immersive technologies are a major positive for learners of all ages.

I am thrilled that I have the opportunity to help prepare our workforce for the future by helping our educators to embrace this technology. I am passionate about improving education in the U.S. because I know the importance of early education in influencing the future success of American society and the economy!


Engaging Adult Students With Virtual Reality

While most teachers in a traditional classroom plan for interactive experiences for learners, many teachers also know that engaging students is becoming more and more challenging and demands more creativity than ever before. My experiences teaching in a virtual reality setting align with what the research is showing, that learners become completely immersed and fully engaged. In virtual reality, I have witnessed that learners feel present immediately, and feel a sense of belonging and fulfillment and, they absolutely engage all the time! This is a fully immersive experience.

Teaching a class inside of a Virtual Reality setting involves much planning, in the same manner a lesson planning for a traditional classroom. There needs to be a lot of thought about the interactive opportunities to be provided, but also a lot of planning around the technology, classroom setting, and the multitude of tools that can be utilized to facilitate a great learner experience. While the virtual reality environment provides well for the opportunity for all to be fully involved, the classroom management techniques need a definite upgrade from the way a teacher manages a traditional face to face classroom, or even a traditional online classroom, if there is such a thing!

There are many different applications or platforms that can be used in which to launch a class. Deciding which application/platform to use, depends on the type of experience you would like to provide to the students. Perhaps you would like a traditional lecture format, in which the instructor presents at a podium and utilizes some form of projection system to a large screen. Perhaps the instructor would like a whiteboard and access to web resources that can also be projected for the the students to see. There are so many more options in the virtual reality world, such as customizing the environment and spaces, creating objects which users may interact with, or, opportunities for group activities that allow users to move freely around the space with tools/tasks in hand. It is very wise to check out what the different platforms/apps have to offer, I use several platforms, each for the different experiences they provide – and the choice usually depends on what kind of immersive experience I want my learners to achieve and which tools I would like them to use.  My favorite is currently Spatial   Go experiment! If you have any questions, or would like help in getting started, or are looking for creative ideas to bring your curriculum to life in virtual reality, let’s chat!